The Ulysses butterfly, named after the hero in the Greek epic The Odyssey, is one of the most widely recognisable butterflies.
The symbolic and rich azure blue of the Ulysses’s wings invoke a sense of meditative peace and unwavering beauty.
Positioned and pinned to best display its natural colourings and patterns, this specimen has been displayed in a minimalist black frame allowing it to easily slip amongst your most treasured pieces. A PH-neutral mount and enamelled specimen pins have been used to ensure your specimen is preserved for years to come.
Each specimen has been pinned with precision and care by Jason in his studio, to best showcase each unique colour pattern and formation.
The frame measures 27x27x6cms and can be easily hung on the wall or positioned upright amongst your vignette.
To best preserve specimen colour and vibrancy, display out of direct sunlight and away from moisture.
Please allow 1-2 days handling time as every framed specimen is made to order.
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